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(Nomad Rajdeep Singh)

(Nomad Rajdeep Singh)

 The Chanshal Pass, or Chanshal Valley,which at 4,520 meters is the highest peak in      the   Shimla district links Dodrakwaar and Rohru in the Shimla district of the Indian state of       Himachal Pradesh ,it offers enthralling panoramic views of the valley. Covering many of    the mountain passes howsoever high or remote Chanshal Pass was always in my bucket    list  and on one fine lucky month  of  November I have done the most treacherousChanshal  Pass  of Shimla District (Himachal Pradesh) on 16 November 2019 after Read many Travelogues on chanshal Pass by some fellow riders/Travellers, gave me the initial push to decide about visiting Chanshal pass & Finally ,decided my next destination as Chanshal pass  I have start my journey on 15th morning .My route was Ludhiana- zirakpur-Shimla- kufri-throg -Rohru- chirgaon-ShilaDesh (Chirgaon) – Chanshal and back via same route by driving nonstop 15 hours from Chanshal pass to Ludhiana. Total duration of trip was approximately 24to 26 hours & total distance approximately 750 kilometers.

There was hardly any traffic till Himalayan Expressway. Going was very smooth & crossed Shimla too without any heavy traffic as it was off season .I have to take right turn from theog to take route of rohru , road till rohru is smooth fresh black tarmac. Finally by 8 pm me arrived at Village Shiladesh(after Chirgaon) with many lunch/Tea breaks , Yes If anyone is Momo lover there is a guy who sells very delicious veg momo with vegitable soup on way to chirgaon.I have booked my stay at Khanan Homestay & Restaurant (shelaDesh-Chirgaon) .

Its newly built home stay with clean toilets & good food . Next morning I have started my journeytowards Chanshal Pass necxt morning and real fun/adventure starts because road till chanshal pass is in really really in bad shape and totally offroadas it rained in night road became with full muddy& slushy, after few km road due to fresh snowfall I have to encounter black snow too and it was real challenge to ride on black snow so reduced my tyre pressure and rode till pass without any fall .  It was one of the most toughest ride I had because of bad road condition caused due to rain , mud, slush and snow/black snow but vista along with mountain pass road is matchless.

I have  wandered for an hour or top It was quite windy and very cold at the top & I was feeling hungry, there was no bhaba due to off season I always carry Butane stove with me so cooked Maggie & Tea for myself & started my journey back home non stop from Pass to Ludhiana.

This ride was most memorable ride in my riding carrier due to bad road conditions but vistas of Pabbar valley & Pabber riveralong with road side  is matchless.

I hope this travel story help rider to prepare their ride to Chanshal Pass .


(A mandatory pic with Sign Board)

(Pegasus @Chanshal) I LOVE NOW

Snow Caped Mountain Range

(It was so Windy )

(Beauty )

(it was not Easy to reach Top)

(Slush, Mud, Black ice )

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